Environmental Monitoring in the Field

  • Surface Water

    In surface water monitoring, Lynx helps companies track the health and status of rivers, lakes, and other surface water bodies affected by industrial activities. Monitoring is essential for ensuring that effluents and runoff from industrial sites do not adversely affect the surface water quality. Lynx’s capabilities facilitate swift corrective actions and compliance with environmental standards.

  • Ground Water

    Lynx software offers comprehensive field groundwater monitoring capabilities. This feature empowers staff to complete scheduled sampling events, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. Lynx collects and analyzes data on over 130 parameters like pH, turbidity, and contaminant levels. This data is vital for assessing the impact of operations on groundwater resources, enabling proactive management and decision-making to mitigate potential environmental and health risks.

  • GIS & Environmental Data Mapping

    The Map feature transforms your sustainability data into a useful visual tool. Geo-locate monitoring areas and sampling points, empowering environmental teams and stakeholders to make geographical sense of efforts on the ground. Sustainability actions now become visual, enhancing workflow and communication.

  • Emissions and Energy Tracking

    The Lynx Emissions and Energy Tracking Module serves as your one-stop-shop for tracking, verifying, and managing emissions and energy consumption data. The feature allows for seamless data imports from multiple sources, eliminating the hassle of manual entries.

  • Implement Environmental Plans

    Field staff take scheduled readings from sensors and samples, then input this data into Lynx using digital forms. Notifications are configured based on manually entered data thresholds and limits, facilitating proactive responses to environmental changes.

  • Air, Noise and Dust

    Lynx extends its environmental monitoring capabilities to air quality, noise, and dust. The software captures data on air pollutants like particulate matter (PM), NOx, and SOx. Additionally, it tracks noise levels and dust readings. By aggregating and analyzing this data, Lynx helps ensure adherence to occupational health standards and environmental regulations, while also addressing community concerns about air and noise pollution.