Governance, Risk and Compliance

  • Investigations

    Conduct thorough, structured investigations into non-compliance, high-impact or health and safety events. Assemble evidence with the Attachments feature, identify root causes, and recommend actionable countermeasures. Do your due diligence digitally and ditch the messy paper forms for good.

  • Notifications

    Our Notifications feature serves as your internal alarm system, alerting the relevant stakeholders about any impending risks or compliance deadlines. Consider it your 24/7 watchtower for risk and compliance.

  • Audit Log

    An impeccable paper trail without the paper. Our Audit Log feature tracks every action taken within the platform, providing a detailed history for future audits or compliance checks. It's like a meticulously maintained diary, but for your business operations.

  • Reports

    The Lynx Report Library is designed to streamline the process of generating precise and relevant reports for risk, compliance, and governance. This feature offers a comprehensive selection of pre-designed reports that can be aligned with a variety of reporting standards including CDP, SASB, ESRS, and many others. The focus is on reducing the time and effort traditionally required for report generation, allowing you to devote more resources to strategic decision-making and execution.

  • Compliance

    Wave goodbye to costly compliance headaches. With our Compliance feature, you can assign a compliance tag to all data within the Lynx platform, integrating compliance seamlessly into your everyday workflow. By aligning with provincial, national, and emerging international performance and audit regimes we save you not just time, but potentially hefty fines and reputational damage. Unlike makeshift, retroactive compliance measures, Lynx helps you build compliance from the ground up. Build a culture of compliance with Lynx.

  • Decision Making Log

    This feature provides a centralized repository where key decisions, along with their accompanying rationale, supporting documents, and related compliance statuses, are meticulously recorded and stored. Our log simplifies the often labyrinthine process of tracking decisions that impact your business. Moreover, its intuitive design makes retrieval a breeze during internal reviews or external audits, ensuring you're always prepared to demonstrate due diligence. Transparency, accountability, and efficiency for your decision-making processes